Howdy Y'all...
So it's been a while since my last post...sorry kido's but work came a-callin! I was on nights, now permit me to vent for a minute about my sucks working nights...not only was I working nights, I was generally getting between 12-16ish hours a subtract 90mins driving we're looking at being awake for like 18ish hours in 24...leaving WHAT???for sleeping...I was not a happy camper...and my body STILL thinks it's on nights!!!...Kids, it was NOT pretty!!! So I've devised the top 10 reason's working nights sucks....
#10...If your going to be up all should be doing something fun...not working...that way at least you are enjoying being sleep deprived...
#9...You're sleep deprived
#8...You're immune system gets shot to h....heck!(See #9)
#7...You have a tough time switching back to real life...
#6...You fall asleep waiting for your family to come from Grantsville on Mother's day when you even got up and showered, made yourself cute, then went to read, because they were going to be out in like 30 mins, well whilest reading you fall asleep (bear in mind kids it was like noon) and sleep till 10 o-clock that evening...missing the entire family and the cutest kids on the planet...0h oh ANNNNDDDDD you miss really good dinner!!!!(for reason see #9)
#5...You miss all the good shows season finales...yep, and the DVR only recorded a few seconds of LOST....AHHHHH...and it left off half the end of The Hills...stupid technology!!
#4...ummm uhhh I forgot what #4 was (again see #9 for reasons)
#3...You are mean to people...Darren would say that is just normal for me...but I'm really a nice person...I AM!!~!!!
#2...Your family thinks that when the talk to you after like two weeks, that you've come back from the dead....
and the number one reason that working nights suck is.....
Hey...I don't know...It just really REALLY SUCKS!!! and the goverment steals all your overtime...
So, I think it's time that I changed my blog layout, but I have NO idea what I want to do...oh and I need to figure out a way to change my playlist to play all my rockin songs in random's getting old hearing the same ole if you have any ideas, or cute websites...pleas feel free to comment or find me on facebook and write on my wall or something!
Thanks, More to come,